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Spreading Peace, One Community at a Time

Welcome to Peace Circle World, where we unite communities through environmental stewardship and peacebuilding. Each Peace Circle™ park is a multi-functional space serving as a peaceful retreat, a classroom for sustainability, and a vibrant community hub. Join our global initiative, expanding across cities and villages, to cultivate sustainable, harmonious communities that foster peace, unity, and environmental conservation.

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Connecting Communities Through Environment And Peace

For 20 years, Mika Vanhanen and the ENO schools have transformed tree planting into a global movement, spreading peace across 157 countries. Each tree planted embodies unity and hope, forming the roots of the Peace Circle™ initiative.

Today, Peace Circle™ continues this legacy by establishing parks where communities reflect, learn, and grow together in harmony with nature. These parks connect people worldwide, creating a visible network of peace and collaboration.

Understanding the Peace Circle™ Concept


"While the first Peace Circle™ features 36 trees in the Circle of Guardians, representing peacemakers and environmentalists, the number of trees in other Peace Circles™ may vary based on local considerations."

Circle of Guardians and the ABC of Peace

Each Peace Circle™ park centers on the Central Peace Tree, symbolizing unity, strength, and resilience. Surrounding it is the Circle of Guardians—trees honoring peacemakers and environmentalists. The Heart, Head, and Hands lines, representing the Roots of Peace, guide essential values toward the Peace Tree, forming the ABC of Peace.

  • Heart Line (A): Hope, Love, Justice.

  • Head Line (B): Knowledge, Science, Wisdom.

  • Hands Line (C): Life, Balance, Diversity.

These elements together nurture global peace.

A Living Classroom


Peace Circle™ parks serve as living classrooms, offering experiential learning through interactive features like QR codes, inspiring sustainability actions.

A Global Network

As Peace Circles™ expand globally, they form a network of parks that create peace symbols across the world, symbolizing unity in diversity.


About Us

​Peace Circle™ is an initiative under the Plant And Care For Peace network, an organization committed to fostering peace and environmental care across the globe - by planting trees to nurture the environment, foster unity across cultures, and sow seeds of peace through environmental stewardship, cultural exchange, and art. Our special day is September 21st, the International Day for Peace, when communities around the world come together to plant trees and celebrate the spirit of peace.

Our Vision
We envision a world where every city has a Peace Circle™, a place where individuals and communities come together to build a more peaceful and sustainable future. Each park is not just a green space but a living classroom and a symbol of global cooperation, visible from above as peace symbols on the global map.

Our Network
As part of the Plant And Care For Peace network, Peace Circle™ leverages a broader movement dedicated to environmental sustainability and peacebuilding. You can learn more about our network and our collective efforts by visiting Plant And Care For Peace.

Our Next Steps
We are currently focused on establishing the first Peace Circles™ in Finland and Italy, with plans to expand to other countries in the near future. We invite you to join us in this mission, whether by visiting a Peace Circle™, volunteering, or supporting the growth of this global movement.

Take Action

Volunteer with Us

Join our passionate team of volunteers and actively participate in our initiatives. Your dedication and efforts can bring about meaningful change and help us spread the message of peace and unity.

Spread Awareness

Spread the word about Peace Circle™ and our mission of fostering unity, peace, and environmental stewardship. Together, we can inspire others to join us in creating a more harmonious and sustainable future.

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