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Peace Circles

Liperi, Finland  (20 Sep 2024)

Each Peace Circle™ park is centered around the Central Peace Tree, symbolizing unity, strength, and resilience. This tree is supported by the surrounding Circle of Guardians—trees representing peacemakers and environmentalists who embody the values essential for peace. The three lines within the circle - Heart, Head, and Hands - serve as the Roots of Peace, guiding these values toward the Peace Tree at the center. This structure forms the ABC of Peace

📖 ABC Of Peace

❤️ Heart (A)

A1: Tree of Hope: A positive expectation for the future, believing that better times are ahead. It provides strength and resilience in difficult times.

A2: Tree of Love: Deep affection, care, and compassion that unites people. It is a powerful force that transcends boundaries and differences.

A3: Tree of Justice: Fairness and equity in all matters.

💡 Head (B)

B1: Tree of Knowledge: A foundation that promotes understanding and learning, helping us make better decisions and comprehend the world.

B2: Tree of Science: Encourages progress based on science. Science provides solutions and innovations that support sustainable development and societal advancement.

B3: Tree of Wisdom: A combination of knowledge, experience, judgment, and values that guide our actions. Indigenous wisdom emphasizes respect for nature and responsibility to future generations.

👐 Hands (C)

C1: Tree of Life: Every life is precious. Maintain and strengthen your connection to nature and all living beings. Protect nature, plant trees, and support local environmental projects. If someone needs help, offer it. Take care of the environment and promote peaceful relationships within your community.

C2: Tree of Balance: Reduce the negative impact of your actions on nature. Minimize your environmental footprint by recycling, conserving energy, and making sustainable choices. Act in ways that help people get along better, and you will promote peace in your surroundings.

C3: Tree of Diversity: Protect and support the diversity of nature. Advocate for practices like organic farming, protect animal habitats, and create spaces like a wildflower meadow in your yard to enrich local biodiversity. Value cultural and social diversity, which enriches life and promotes mutual understanding.

🌳Tree species

The Circle Of Guardians
1 -37 Columnar Aspen (Populus tremula)

A Heart Line (compassion)

A1 Apple Tree (Malus domestica 'Grenman')

A2 Columnar Rowan (Sorbus aucuparia 'Fastigiata')

A3 Purple Bird Cherry (Prunus padus 'Colorata')

B Head line  (knowledge)

B1 Serbian Spruce (Picea omorika)

B2 Columnar Linden (Tilia platyphyllos 'Erecta')

B3 Columnar Black Alder (Alnus glutinosa 'Pyramidalis')

C Hands line (action)

C1 Columnar Birch (Betula pendula 'Fastigiata')

C2 Common Lilac (Syringa vulgaris)

C3 Cherry Tree  Prunus cerasus 'Schredraja'

Peace Tree: Oak (Quercus robur)


Founded by Plant And Care For Peace association with the municipality of Liperi.
Following persons and communities have supported the establishment of the park:


Elisabet Lahti
Tuomo Kauranne
Minna Ruolanto
Jaana Minkkinen
Helena Kärmeniemi
Saara Koikkalainen
Maija Myller
Maria Kauppila
Heta Heiskanen
Sini Aromaa
Eila Heinonen
Pasi Koivumaa
Teemu Laaksonen
Arto Joutsimäki
Tuula Sjöstedt
Mari Pesonen
Hannu Vähäkoski
Olli-Pekka Heinonen
Pentti Karttunen
Jouko Leppänen
Tiina Merilä
Saku Punkari
Arja Pitkänen
Saku Punkari
Laura Lodenius
Anna Mustonen
Matti Hiltunen
Pirjo Rissanen
Tommi Ullgren
Matti Mikkonen
Marita Vanhanen perh.
Marja-Leena Kivivuori
Hannu ja Hannele Forsberg perh.
Tiina Ahvalo
Jarno Turunen ja Pihla Kiiskinen
Tuomo Parkki
Arja ja Onni Tahvanainen
Mika Norppa
Arja Kaasinen
Päivi Ikonen
Anita Latola 
Hannele Mikkanen
Kirsi Karhio
Riitta Nykänen
Riitta Nyberg
Katja Asikainen
Krista Mikkonen
Tiina Laakkonen
Helmi Vanhanen
Kirsi Nousiainen
Pirjo Pasanen
Jukka Jalkanen
Juha Kosonen
Pirjo Hummelin
Pasi Hukka


Liperin yrittäjät ry
Lähitapiola Itä
M Jaskari Oy
Mantsinen Group 
Pohjois-Karjalan Osuuskauppa
Pohjois-Karjalan yrittäjät ry
Sulokivi Oy

🍃Circle Of Guardians
  1. Bertha von Suttner (1843) - Austrian peace activist and author who was the first woman to be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.

  2. Mahatma Gandhi (1869) - Indian leader who championed non-violence and civil disobedience in the struggle for independence from British rule.

  3. Pablo Picasso (1881) - Spanish artist whose works, including "Guernica," powerfully condemned the atrocities of war.

  4. Dag Hammarskjöld (1905) - Swedish diplomat and second UN Secretary-General, known for his efforts in peacekeeping and conflict resolution.

  5. Rachel Carson (1907) - American marine biologist whose book "Silent Spring" helped launch the global environmental movement.

  6. Mother Teresa (1910) - North Macedonian-born Catholic nun and missionary who devoted her life to helping the poor in India.

  7. Nelson Mandela (1918) - South African anti-apartheid revolutionary and the first Black president of South Africa.

  8. Andrei Sakharov (1921) - Soviet physicist and human rights activist, known for his work on disarmament and reform.

  9. Jimmy Carter (1924) - Former U.S. President and Nobel laureate recognized for his humanitarian work and international conflict mediation.

  10. David Attenborough (1926) - British broadcaster and natural historian, famous for his documentaries on the natural world.

  11. Martin Luther King Jr. (1929) - American civil rights leader who fought for racial equality through non-violent protest.

  12. Desmond Tutu (1931) - South African Anglican bishop and anti-apartheid activist who promoted reconciliation.

  13. Chief Raoni Metuktire (1932) - Brazilian indigenous leader and environmental activist known for his efforts to protect the Amazon rainforest.

  14. Jane Goodall (1934) - British primatologist and environmental advocate, known for her work with chimpanzees.

  15. Dalai Lama (Tenzin Gyatso) (1935) - Spiritual leader of Tibetan Buddhism and advocate for peace and compassion.

  16. Václav Havel (1936) - Czech playwright and political leader who was instrumental in the peaceful transition from communism in Czechoslovakia.

  17. Martti Ahtisaari (1937) - Finnish diplomat and former president, recognized for his role in international peace mediation.

  18. Kofi Annan (1938) - Ghanaian diplomat and former UN Secretary-General, noted for his work in conflict resolution and human rights.

  19. Ellen Johnson Sirleaf (1938) - Liberian politician and the first elected female head of state in Africa, awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for her efforts in promoting peace and women’s rights.

  20. Gro Harlem Brundtland (1939) - Norwegian politician and environmental advocate, known for her role in developing the concept of sustainable development.

  21. John Lennon (1940) - British musician and peace activist, famous for his advocacy for peace, including the song "Imagine."

  22. Oscar Arias Sánchez (1940) - Costa Rican politician and Nobel laureate recognized for his efforts in bringing peace to Central America.

  23. Wangari Maathai (1940) - Kenyan environmentalist and the first African woman to receive the Nobel Peace Prize, known for founding the Green Belt Movement.

  24. Chico Mendes (1944) - Brazilian environmental activist who fought to protect the Amazon rainforest and its communities.

  25. Shirin Ebadi (1947) - Iranian lawyer and human rights activist, the first Muslim woman to receive the Nobel Peace Prize.

  26. Al Gore (1948) - American environmentalist and former Vice President, awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for his work on climate change.

  27. José Ramos-Horta (1949) - East Timorese politician and Nobel laureate, a key figure in the country’s struggle for independence.

  28. Vandana Shiva (1952) - Indian environmental activist and author, known for her work on biodiversity, food sovereignty, and ecofeminism.

  29. Anote Tong (1952) - Former President of Kiribati, known for his advocacy on climate change and its impact on low-lying island nations.

  30. Rigoberta Menchú (1959) - Guatemalan indigenous rights activist and Nobel laureate, recognized for her work on behalf of indigenous peoples.

  31. Leymah Gbowee (1972) - Liberian peace activist who led a women’s movement that helped end the second Liberian civil war.

  32. Severn Cullis-Suzuki (1979) - Canadian environmental activist who gained international attention with her speech at the 1992 Earth Summit.

  33. Malala Yousafzai (1997) - Pakistani education activist and the youngest-ever Nobel laureate, recognized for her advocacy for girls' education.

  34. Greta Thunberg (2003) - Swedish climate activist who inspired a global movement demanding urgent action on climate change.

  35.  Regional peacemaker or environmentalist 

  36.  Local peacemaker or environmentalist 

  37.  Everyday hero: This tree honors the countless unsung heroes—possibly you or someone in your community—who make small, everyday actions that nurture peace and protect the environment, reminding us that everyone can make a meaningful difference.


A Call For Peace Circle™ Pilots

Peace Circle Pilot Projects aim to create small, adaptable parks that integrate peacebuilding and environmental care in urban settings. These pilot projects serve as testbeds for expanding the Peace Circle™ initiative globally, demonstrating how urban green spaces can foster community engagement, education, and sustainable living. Each pilot park is a collaborative effort involving local communities, schools, and partners like TreebuddyEarth, ensuring that these spaces become lasting symbols of peace and unity.

For more detailed information, visit the Peace Circle Pilot Projects page.


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